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Annual Mobile Browsing Stats

Over the last few years, we’ve been tracking the trends in mobile browsing in the Peace Country, based on the many websites we have developed for our clients.

2013 Review

Comparing year to year, 2013 saw mobile (including tablet) traffic represent 31% of total visits to some of our high traffic client sites. That’s up from 25% in 2012.

As we approach the halfway point of 2014, we’re already seeing that trend jump significantly again to over 37%.

Mobile Social

Facebook, in their April 23rd 2014 Q1 Report said they are now seeing that 609 million out of 802 million of their daily users are accessing it via mobile devices (76%).

Mobile-ify Your Website!

Is your website mobile friendly? Even large websites can be designed to cater to mobile users. Grab your phone and visit, or to see for yourself!

With smartphones becoming the business tool of choice for all types of businesses, from Ma and Pop shops to large oilfield companies employing hundreds, a mobile-friendly website is fundamental.


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About Josh Anderson

Josh is New Harvest's client support specialist when he's not immersed in Wordpress development. He's been a part of the New Harvest team since 2007.