Websites, design & marketing.

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Featured Projects in Local Government

District of Chetwynd Redesign

The District of Chetwynd, located about an hour drive west of Dawson Creek has been another one of our long-term local government clients since we built them a new WordPress website back in 2011. We recently completed a full redesign of the existing website to refresh the look and feel and add some helpful features.

Since the website was already in WordPress, all of the existing architecture, content, and editing workflow remained exactly the same. You’d never know it by looking at the site as a visitor, however. Fresh features added included featured banner slideshows by section with the ability for District staff to choose specific header photos for any page they like from within the editing screen they were already familiar with.

Other upgraded features included:

  • interactive events calendar
  • emergency alerts notification subscription system
  • advanced site search (with document indexing including PDF, DOC, XLS, etc.)
  • PDF embedding
  • and much more.

We were also happy to redesign the existing internal staff intranet site where District staff share internal news items, ideas, stories, recipes and more.

The ability to complete a top-down redesign without changing out content, infrastructure, or retraining staff makes our client’s website a long-term investment without needing to become long in the tooth!