New Harvest Media Inc. is a design and marketing firm specializing in web design and development. We serve clients in Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Grande Prairie and throughout the Alberta and British Columbia Peace River Country.

Chad Anderson
Chad is the owner of New Harvest, and holds a Diploma (Honours) in Multimedia Production. Since starting as a company of one in 2000, Chad has grown New Harvest with 20+ years of dedicated service to our clients. These days, Chad focuses mostly on digital marketing and project and account management, while occasionally sharing his technical expertise.

Karyl Gilbertson
Karyl joined in 2010 as Designer/Developer. With a Bachelor of Design degree, Karyl brings professional design expertise to the New Harvest team. With years of experience doing design work in the print, web and signage industries, Karyl has done great design for many applications. Karyl also has a passion for building great websites, with over 15 years of professional experience in WordPress development.
Thank you… I knew you’d make this seem simple! It’s been our pleasure doing business with you this year and we look forward to continuing this relationship next year.
– Michelle Alix
Vulcan Compression
Thanks again for the fantastic service we receive from you guys.
– Pauline Casselman
South Peace Community
Arts Council